Meet The Torres'
Click on the video to hear their story.
Become a Homeowner
Qualified applicants must meet the following criteria:
Must live or work in Lexington, NC for at least a year before applying
Must meet the HUD income guidelines (45% to 75%)
Must fill out all the information on the application and return with all the documents.
If approved you will have house payments.
If approved you will partner with Lexington Area Habitat for Humanity
This includes sweat equity hours
Closing cost
Financial Fitness classes
Background checks
Credit reports
Working with Home Solutions of Davidson County on budget and money management classes.
To apply, pick up an application at our two locations:
ReStore 221 S. Main St., Tuesday - Saturday
The Construction ReStore 4 E. 3rd Avenue Thur.-Sat.
Or, send us an email to inquire. lexhabitatnc@gmail.com
Becoming a Habitat for Humanity homeowner is a process not a quick fix and takes time and dedication. Habitat for Humanity offers a hand up not a hand out.